Monday, June 20, 2011


I obviously love blogging. I have always loved writing, but I have a hard time journal writing. Blogging is fun because...

A) I love being on the computer but don't have as many reasons to use it now that I'm not researching and writing college papers.
B) I can type faster than I can write.
C) Who do you address your journal to? Dear self? Dear future children? Probably just some vague nobody that we refer to as "Dear Journal". I know this sounds dumb but I find it hard to write without a specific audience. There are times I want to record more private, meaningful thoughts and Dear Journal is great for that, but otherwise I find that I keep a better record of our life when I write it for someone.

But that last thought leads me to a reason I don't like blogging. Because I think many bloggers, myself included, tend to get obsessed over the someone. We hope that that someone is actually a lot of someones who are for some reason enthralled with our lives and who want to know about and comment on everything we do.

I love reading blogs of my family and friends because I get to share in their achievements and hear, through their own words, what is going on in their life. However, I roll my eyes when I see posts where the author laments that no one ever comments on their posts and wonders if anyone even cares. I understand the desire for feedback and response (yes, I check my blog frequently to see if anyone commented and yes, I secretly hope someone has) but I always try to check myself and remember that this blog is intended to for ME to record my ideas and for my FAMILY and close FRIENDS to get updates on us since we all live so far away now. If people want feedback from friends, wouldn't it be so much better and more personal to call them and have a real conversation?!

And there you have it. Cami's opinionated thoughts on blogging. Please feel free to share your comments (but recognize that I am not begging you and my mood will not be affected lack of responses). :)

I really am a nerd, right?! This just drives me CRAZY!

1 comment:

  1. haha, you're sooo begging for comments. You needy girl! ;)
    I started cooking and crafting now that schools out and I had a little inkling to start a blog... I think I'll stick to my journal though. Can't get a blog til you're married... or traveling the world.
